Friday 5 December 2014

Auto Insurance Makes Your Road Trip Happy And Joyful!

aseguranza de carro

When planning family vacation, plan well in advance of the place you want to travel. We will decide with the family if we want to vacation at the beach, in the woods, a cosmopolitan city or a picturesque village, we choose depending on the age and status of family members and the destinations.

Not only the distance but also the amount of people that make a holiday trip greatly influences the means of transport that will be used to reach the destination. In many cases, especially in families with more than one children opt for nearby destinations that can be organized using the family car.

Check the date appointed for leaving on vacation, get together all the necessary equipment, umbrella, sunscreen, ball, tent, sleeping bag, walking shoes, etc. then we consider ourselves ready and in order to make the trip but does anyone take into account the revision of the car? If you did, congratulations! Even when presented with some problems with your trip, you know you did everything to prevent it. If, however, you are someone who remember that you have to fill the gas tank when the car runs out of it, I recommend you review these simple points before leaving.

These simple tips can save you hours of being stranded on the side of a road, discomforts and unforeseen expenses and mainly fright or tragedy.

1. General Verification

Take your car to your mechanic workshop,  trust and tell them you will be on vacation. Change the oil, check fluid levels, lubricate your car and check all the tires, make sure they are in good condition, including the spare.

2. Safety Equipment

Make sure you have the necessary tools to change tires, an electric air pump that has a siren and light can be very useful, especially in unpopulated areas and night. Do not forget to bring a flashlight with extra batteries and anti-reflectives to prevent accidents.

3. Communication

Check that your cell phone is active and has sufficient funds to make emergency calls outside the local area. If your car has this service, check who is working correctly.

4. Support Services

Always have on hand the services that account should travel, car insurance (aseguranza de carro) usually has services and roadside assistance among others. Depending on the car insurance you have a wider range of alternatives and in some cases, payment of the hotel or the rental vehicle if the breakdown of the car warrants. Always carry the documents and emergency numbers for your auto insurance (seguro para autos) review and before leaving the service is active.


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